Breakthrough Discovery for Malaria and Covid-19 Treatment

Recent research from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has revealed findings that could enhance treatments for malaria and Covid-19. Scientists discovered the very important role of the human protein Hsp70 in the spread of these diseases. This work involved collaboration between ..



CoVarScan rapid COVID-19 test

Researchers have developed a rapid Covid-19 test, called “CoVarScan rapid Covid-19 test”. This test will help in identifying different variants of SARS-CoV-2 in some hours. CoVarScan rapid Covid-19 test The CoVarScan test detects the signatures of eight hotspots on SARS-CoV-2 ..



Omicron Variant in White-Tailed Deer

According to a study, some white-tailed deer living in the US are infected with the SARS-CoV-2’s Omicron variant. Overview: The study is yet-to-be peer-reviewed and has been posted recently on the bioRxiv preprint repository. This study also found SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing ..



Deer-to-Human COVID-19 Transmission

According to a new study, the first potential case of the novel coronavirus being passed to a person from a deer has been reported in Canada. Overview: Highly mutated clusters of SARS-CoV-2 genomes were identified by researchers in white-tailed deer, ..



Omicron-Delta mixed Infections

In a recent study researchers found that, co-infection of Delta and Omicron variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in two epidemiologically unrelated patients, who were suffering from chronic kidney disease and were requiring hemodialysis. Key Points Both ..



Study: Children born during pandemic have lower IQs

A United Nations based study has claimed that, Children born during Covid-19 pandemic have reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance as compared to those born pre-pandemic. Key findings According to the study, males and children in lower socioeconomic families ..


WHO: Delta variant may become dominant lineage

World Health Organisation has warned that; Delta variant, which is significantly more transmissible strain of COVID-19, is expected to become a dominant lineage if current trends continue. Warming came after WHO reported in 85 countries & continues to be detected ..


Vajra Kavach Disinfection System

Mumbai-based start-up, Indra water has developed “Vajra Kavach Disinfection System” which removes scourge of viral particles from equipment used by Corona warriors front line workers. About Disinfection System Disinfection System removes any possible traces of SARS-Cov-2 virus from Personal Protective ..
