
What are ‘Karewas’?

Karewas are highly fertile alluvial soil deposits found in the Kashmir valley. About Karewas In the Kashmiri dialect, Karewas means “elevated table-land.” Godwin-Austin (1859) was the first one to use the term karewa to refer to a sequence of an ..



Spice Xchange India Portal

The Spice Board of India recently launched the Spice Exchange Portal. The portal will act as a meeting point between the Indian spice exporters and the buyers all over the world. This platform is first of its kind in the ..



National Saffron Mission extended to North East

Saffron Production under the National Saffron Mission that was so far confined to Kashmir is now to be implemented in the North East. The plants are to be transported from Kashmir to Sikkim. Key Highlights So far, saffron production was ..


Heeng Cultivation introduced in Indian Himalayas

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Institute of Himalayan bioresource Technology has taken up Heeng cultivation in the Lahaul valley of Himachal Pradesh. Around 750 hectares are to be covered under Heeng cultivation. Background The IHBT had earlier partnered ..


GoI to boost Saffron and Heeng Production

Saffron and Heeng are the most precious and valuable spices in the world. The Institute of Himalyan Bioresource Technology has partnered with the Department of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh will join hands to boost the production of Heeng and Saffron in ..


Kashmir Saffron receives GI Tag

The Saffron cultivated in the Kashmir valley has received Geographical Indication Tag. It is to be noted that three other products such as Gorakhpur Teracotta, Kovilpatti Kadalai Mittai and Black rice of Manipur also received GI tag recently. About Kashmir ..


J&K Agricultural Sector

The government of Jammu and Kashmir recently adopted a 9 pronged strategy to double the farmers’ income by 2022. The 9 Pronged Strategy The 9 components of the newly adopted strategy are: Crop diversification and introduction of hybrid seeds Expansion ..

Krishonnati Yojana

There are three departments in Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare viz. Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare; Department of Agricultural Research and Education and Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries. With the change in central government in ..