Ramsar Wetland site
Report: Information on many Ramsar Sites Outdated
The 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14) to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is being co-hosted by Wuhan (China) and Geneva (Switzerland) from November 5 to 13, 2022. During the event, the Wuhan Declaration was adopted ..
Month: Current Affairs – November, 2022
Category: Environment Current Affairs • Places in News Current Affairs • Reports & Indexes Current Affairs
World Wetlands Day 2022
Every year, the World Wetland Day is celebrated on February 2. The day is marked to increase awareness about the importance of wetlands in the world. It is celebrated on February 2 because the Convention on Wetlands was adopted on ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2022
Category: Important Days & Events Current Affairs
Second Wave of Bird Flu in Himachal Pradesh
In January 2021, Bird Flu was confirmed among the migratory water birds at Pong Dam Lake Wildlife Sanctuary. The disease then killed more than 5,000 birds. It was contained in February 2021. However, it has resurfaced since late March. What ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Bird Deaths in Pong Dam Sanctuary
More than 1700 migratory birds died in Pong Dam of Himachal Pradesh under mysterious circumstances. How did the birds die? The scientist believe that the birds would have died of viral or bacterial infections. Also, they believe that it might ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2021
Lonar Lake and Sur Sarovar Lake added to Ramsar site
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change recently announced that the Lonar Lake in Maharashtra and Sur Sarovar lake in Uttar Pradesh have been added to the Ramsar sites. The Lonar lake is the only crater lake in the ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
Two New Ramsar sites designated in India: Key Facts
The Kabartal Wetland in Bihar and Asan Conservation Reserve in Uttrakhand have been designated as Ramsar sites, building them ‘Wetlands of International Importance’. What are the Key Features of Kabartal Wetland? Kabartal Wetland also called as Kanwar Jheel. It protects ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Peatlands in Himalayan Region
The recently released UN report on the peatland systems, called for urgent steps to conserve such regions. It highlighted the importance of mapping and monitoring. Peatlands Distribution in India Peatlands in India have been recorded in Arunachal Pradesh, northern parts ..