Page-2 of Obesity

Addressing India’s Water Crisis

Most of the efforts to tackle the water crisis are concentrated in desperately and endlessly trying to increase the supply of water. But not enough attention is paid towards solutions on the demand side. Water Consumption in Farming Agriculture is ..

WHO issued 1st ever strict guidelines for children

WHO (World Health Organisation) has released new guidelines on physical activity, sedentary and sleep for children under 5 years of age. WHO has also issued its first-ever guidance for how much screen time children should be allowed ”limited and none ..

Study indicates that even Non-obese and lean Indians are also prone to type 2 diabetes

A new study has revealed that contrary to popular belief, not only obese and overweight but also non-obese and lean persons may be prone to type 2 diabetes. The study indicates that nearly 20 to 30 per cent suffering from ..


Soft Drinks Sugar tax in UK to combat obesity and sugar related diseases

The Soft Drinks Industry Levy also known as soft drinks sugar tax or sin tax or sugar tax came into force in United Kingdom as part of government’s plan to combat obesity and sugar related disease. With introduction of sugar ..


The National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) signs MoU with Bonn food industries to promote coloured wheat

The National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) has signed MoU with Ludhiana based Bonn Food Industries to promote coloured wheat with antioxidant qualities beneficial for control of diabetes, cholesterol and obesity. It has been developed by routine way of plant breeding ..