Nano Technology

ANANYA: Disinfectant Spray developed by Defence Institute

The Pune based Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) has developed Nano-Technology based disinfectant spray to fight against COVID-19. The spray has been named ANANYA. Highlights The spray can be used by common man, health care workers. Also, the spray ..


CeNS: Low cost Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation

The scientists and researchers at the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences operating under Department of Science and Technology have invented a low cost effective way to generate hydrogen from water using Molybdenum dioxide. Key Findings of the Study ..


Agappe Chitra Magna launched by SCTIMST to detect COVID-19

On May 20, 2020, the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology operating under Department of Science and Technology has launched magnetic nano particle based RNA extraction kit called “Agappe Chitra Magna”. Highlights The Agappe Chitra Magna kit ..


DST develops advanced mapping tool to map nano-mechanical materials

The Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials operating under Department of Science and Technology has developed Nano Blitz 3D. Highlights The Nano Blitz 3D is a tool that is used for mapping nano mechanical properties. The tool ..


Starch-Based “Hemostat” developed at Institute of Nano Science to stop blood loss

Scientists at the INST (Institute of Nano Science and Technology), that operates under the Department of Science & Technology, have developed starch based ‘Hemostat’. Starch Based Hemostat The starch-based ‘hemostat’ are developed to stop rapid blood loss during accidents, as ..


International Conference on Nano-Science and Nano Technology held in Kolkata

On March 5, 2020, the Department of Science of Technology operating under Ministry of Science and Technology organized an International Conference on Nano-Science and Nano Technology (ICONSAT) at Kolkata. The Conference is to be held between March 5, 2020 and ..


ISRO to Launch 13 satellites and Cartosat-3

The Indian Space Research Organization will launch 13 commercial nano satellites of the United States along with the imaging and mapping satellite Cartostat-3. The launch is scheduled on November 25, 2019. Highlights The satellites will be launched by PSLV-C47, a ..


ISRO to launch 14 small satellites

In next 2 months, ISRO will launch 14 small foreign satellites in its next three PSLVs (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles). The projects are to be implemented by November and December. Highlights The payloads are to be launched in three PSLV ..
