Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Global TB Report 2022

The World Health Organization released the Global TB Report 2022 on October 27 this year. What is Global TB Report? The Global TB report is released every year by the World Health Organization to provide a comprehensive assessment of the ..



WHO endorses ICMR’s TrueNat test

The World Health Organization has endorsed TRueNat test of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for initial diagnosis of Tuberculosis. The test has also been endorsed for detection of Rifampicin resistance in children and adults. About the test The WHO ..


COVID-19: ICMR Clinical Trials on BCG Vaccine

The Indian Council of Medical Research is conducting clinical trials to check on the efficacy of Tuberculosis vaccines against COVID-19. Highlights The ICMR is to focus on vaccine potential of India in reducing death of COVID-19 infected patients. The trials ..


Anti-Leprosy Drug Trials started by CSIR against COVID-19

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has started the trials of anti-leprosy drug trials against COVID-19. The drug trial is to be conducted with the help of Mycobacterium MW. Highlights The Mycobacterium MW is a heat killed bacteria. It ..


Chitra Gene LAMP-N: Diagnostic kit developed by SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram

The Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Science (SCTIMST), an institute of national importance developed a diagnostic kit. The kit reduces test time by two hours. Why is it better than RT-PCR? The cost of the kit is Rs 1000. ..


Study: Impacts of COVID-19 lowered due to BCG Vaccination

Researchers of biomedical sciences of New York Institute of Technology say that the countries such as Netherlands, Italy and United States are more severely affected than countries with BCG policies. The Bacilus Calmette-Guerin vaccine that had been administered in India ..


Role of Lipids in Infectious Diseases

Scientists from IIT Bombay are exploring the possibility of using ‘biologically active lipid molecules’ as tools to explain their disease causing function. Lipids Lipid is a biomolecule that is capable of dissolving in non-polar solvents like hydrocarbons. Apart from being ..

March 24: World Tuberculosis Day

Every year, March 24 is marked as the World Tuberculosis Day. The idea was proposed by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD). The day is also marked by the World Health Organization (WHO). Highlights The Day is being ..
