Molecular biology

CCMB Study on Genetic Diversity and Species Traits

A recent study conducted by scientists at the CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) has shed light on the fascinating relationship between genetic diversity and species traits. By analyzing over 1,200 sequences from a maternally-inherited gene across 128 species, ..



Kolkata becomes first city to install RT-PCR machines in India

The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has installed first of its kind high-end reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) machines in India for quick detection of diseases such as  dengue, tuberculosis and swine flu. The machines will serve as a “third ..

DNA test : 45 year old double murder solved

DNA evidence found at a 1973 crime scene has helped the investigators to identify suspect. However the suspect was long dead. Linda and Clifford Berhardt, 24 were killed years back. The investigators found that they were murdered by Linda’s co ..

Japanese-born Marine biologist Osamu Shimomura passes away

Japanese-born Marine biologist Osamu Shimomura (90), who won the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry, has passed away in Nagasaki, Japan on 19th October 2018. Shimomura and two American scientists shared the 2008 Nobel prize for the discovery and development of ..

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops are plants whose DNAs are modified by the genetic engineering methods to develop favorable characteristics. There are large number of debates about the utility, efficacy, advantages and disadvantages of the genetically modified crops. Each side is putting ..

China’s researchers claims to create world’s first single-chromosome yeast

Molecular biologists at the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences in China have claimed to create the world’s first single-chromosome yeast while not affecting the majority of its functions. If their claim is true then this breakthrough could help ..

India ranked as world’s fifth largest cultivated area under genetically modified (GM) crops

According to the Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/ GM Crops in 2017 by International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA), India has the world’s fifth largest cultivated area under genetically modified (GM) crops. However, this entire area is ..

World’s first ‘speed breeding’ technique to produce Wheat: Australia

Inspired by NASA’s experiments to grow wheat in space, Australian scientists have developed the world’s first ‘speed breeding’ technique that can boost the production of the crop by up to three times. The NASA experiments involved using continuous light on ..