Ministry of Commerce

EXIM Data: Trade Deficit narrows by 10 billion USD

The Government of India recently revised its import bill. With this revision, the country’s foreign trade between April 2022 and November 2022 differs from the estimates made by the Ministry of Commerce. Import bill has been increased or decreased in ..



PAN Number to be Unique Identifier for Business to Access NSWS Clearance

Union Minister of Commerce Piyush Goyal recently announced the Central Government is mulling allowing businesses to use their permanent account number (PAN) as a unique identifier for accessing the national single window system (NSWS) to receive different clearances and approvals ..



Index of Eight Core Industries

In January 2022, compared to the same time period last year, the growth rate of eight core industries stood at 3.7 percent. The Ministry of Commerce announced this. Overview: The core industries growth rate was 11.6 percent for the nine-month ..



Revamp of Commerce Department

The government plans to reorganize the commerce department so that it can implement a more organized trade promotion strategy with clear targets. A dedicated trade promotion organization and a trade remedies review committee have been proposed as part of the strategy. ..



Continuation of Indian Footwear and Leather Development Programme

The Ministry of Commerce recently announced that the Indian Footwear and Leather Development Programme (IFLDP) is to continue from 2021-22 till 2026. The programme is to be implemented at a cost of Rs 1,700 crores. What is IFLDP? IFLDP will ..



Brand India Campaign

Commerce Ministry of India is planning to launch “Brand India Campaign” in order to give momentum to exports of services as well as products in new markets. About Brand India Campaign Campaign will be launched in the light that; India’s ..



Govt. imposes safeguard duty on solar cells for one more year till July 2021

The government has imposed the safeguard duty of solar cells for one more year till July 2021 with the aim to protect the domestic manufacturers and discourage cheap imports from countries such as China. The same recommendation has also been ..


ACT program launched by the start-up community

The start-ups in India have collectively launched the ACT (Action COVID-19 Team) project with 100 crore INR grants to speed up initiatives to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. About the Program The ACT or Active COVID-19 Team is a program launched ..