milk production

Assam – NDDB Dairy Joint Venture

The Assam Government recently signed an agreement with the National Dairy Development Board. Under the agreement, the signatories agreed to establish Rs 2000 crore joint venture. About the Agreement The joint venture to be established can process ten lakh litres ..



Dairy Production in Indus Valley Civilization: Key Facts

The Indian and Canadian Archaeologists have found that dairy products were produced by Harappans even before 2500 BCE. The year 2020 marks the 100 years of discovery of Indus Valley Civilization. Key Highlights The study was conducted based on molecular ..


June 1: World Milk Day

Every year World Milk Day is celebrated on June 1 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The day is celebrated to bring awareness and attention to the activities associated with the diary sector. Highlights June 1 ..


New Scheme for Diary Sector: GoI subsidizes interest rates on working capital

On May 14, 2020, the Government of India launched a new scheme for the diary sector. The scheme has introduced Interest Subvention on Working Capital to support Diary Cooperatives and FPO (Farmer Producer Organization). Key Features The scheme intends to ..


Revision of interest subvention under Diary Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund from 2% to 2.5%

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs recently approved its revision of interest subvention rates from 2% to 2.5% per annum. This is being done under Diary Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF). Highlights Under the DIDF, GoI will now provide ..


Milk Price Rise in India

On December 14, 2019, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul) and Mother Dairy (owned by National Diary Development Board) increased MRP (Maximum Retail Prices) of their pouched milk by Rs 2 per litre. Why the price rise? The two main ..


China warns cattle imports as India notifies OIE about cattle disease in Odisha

The Chinese Government has issued warnings against import of cattle and related products from India. The warning comes after India submitted its notification about “lumpy skin disease” virus in cattle to the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE). China does ..


IIT Guwahati: Paper based sensors for faster assessment of milk freshness

The IIT-G on November 13, 2019 has developed paper-based sensor to make assessment of freshness of milk by simple and instantaneous method. The method can be used to check the quality of milk at the point of milk collection ans ..
