
Clinical Human Infection Model – CHIM

In CHIM, the researchers infected healthy volunteers with a weak strain of pathogen in a controlled setting. This helped them to learn more about infection and develop new vaccines. The model helps in the following It helps to study about ..

Scheme to screen all Children for Leprosy and TB

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has rolled out a programme for universal screening of children below 18 years for leprosy and tuberculosis (TB). About the Scheme Under the scheme, an estimated 25 crore children and adolescents will ..

Researchers at IIT Guwahati develop portable device to detect bacteria without cell culture or microbiological assays

The researchers at IIT Guwahati have developed a low-cost portable device to detect bacteria without cell culture or microbiological assays. The hand-held device with bio-compatible sensor can also diagnose time-critical illnesses such as meningitis. The bacterial infection is a common ..

Oil-Eating microbes discovered in Mariana Trench

UK researchers have discovered a type of bacteria that has the ability to eat compounds that are similar to those found in oil at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. This is the first time that scientists have discovered a ..

Mizoram government bans import of pigs and piglets from other countries

The Mizoram government has banned import of pigs and piglets from other countries in view of possible outbreak of the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) that has cost the lives of thousands of swines in the state. The orders ..

Bisin: A Natural Preservative discovered

Researchers at the University of Minnesota discovered a natural preservative: “Bisin. The food-preservative properties of bisin could lead to food products that resist spoilage for years. It could spell the end of rotting food. The preservative can extend the food’s ..


Suicide Bomber Bacteria engineered

Recently, researchers in the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore engineered a strain of E. Coli that can detect signs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a leading cause of infection that can be fatal to patients with weak immune systems. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is ..


Current Affairs : April 11, 2010

Appointments:Bar Council Chairman: Gopal SubramaniumSolicitor General of India Gopal Subaramanium has been unanimously elected as the Chairman of the Bar Council of India (BCI). Mr Dhanapal Raj, will be Vice Chairman. Awards:Dara Shikoh Award – Sheila Dixit:Dara Shikoh Award is ..

