International business
State Bank of India is seeking a $1.25 Billion Loan: India’s Largest Bank Loan of 2024
State Bank of India (SBI) plans to borrow up to $1.25 billion, making it the biggest dollar loan from India’s financial sector in 2024. The loan is being arranged by CTBC Bank, HSBC Holdings Plc, and Taipei Fubon Bank. It ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2024
Category: Economy & Banking Current Affairs
India appeals against WTO panel’s ruling on export promotion schemes
On 18 Nov, India appealed against a World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement panel’s ruling that had recommended withdrawal of its key export subsidy schemes, including the one for special economic zones in the next 90-180 days. Recently, WTO had ..
UNCTAD releases World Investment Report 2019
According to UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2019, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into India increased by 6% to $42 billion in 2018 with strong inflows in manufacturing, communication, financial services and cross-border merger and acquisition activities making it the sub-region’s largest ..
India finds problems OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index
India has found problems with the current method under which the OECD index –Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) – ranks countries based on their services trade policies. As per study commissioned by Indian Ministry of Commerce, the outcomes of index ..
Union Cabinet to set up an unified authority for regulating all financial services in IFSC
The Union Cabinet has recently approved establishment of a unified authority for regulating all financial services in International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) in India through IFSCs Authority Bill of 2019. The establishment of a unified financial regulator for IFSCs will ..
According to RBI’s annual data, Mauritius tops India’s FDI chart in FY18
According to Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s annual data, Mauritius accounted for the largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into India in the financial year FY18 followed by Singapore. The data shows that the total India’s FDI stood at ..
Draft Defence Production Policy 2018: Key Features
The Draft Defence Production Policy 2018 aims to create an environment that encourages a dynamic, robust and competitive defence industry, as an important part of the Make in India initiative. It also aims to facilitate faster absorption of technology and ..
Draft agri-export policy : Key Features
A draft Agri Export Policy has been released by the Commerce Ministry. The National Agriculture Export Policy is being formulated in line with the vision to double the farmer’s income and increase the share of agricultural exports from $30 billion ..