Indian institute of technology

IIT-M Ocean Wave Energy Converter

Researchers in IIT Madras have developed and deployed a system called Sindhuja-I that is capable of generating electricity using energy from sea waves. It was recently deployed some 6 km from the coast of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu, where the ..



IIT-G study on Extreme Weather Events

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar published a study of sequential extreme weather events – heatwaves in the summer and extreme rainfall in summer monsoon seasons over the same regions from 1951 to 2020. What are the key ..



Mega fair on research and development

23 IITs are collaborating to organize a mega fair on research and development on October 14 and 15 this year. Key facts IInvenTiv is a mega fair on research and development that aims to promote innovation-led growth and development of ..



IIT-K launches innovation hub to find solutions for anti-drone technologies

On 23rd July, 2021 the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT-K) launched technology innovation hub to find cyber security solutions for intrusion detection system, anti-drones technologies, cyber physical system and block-chain.   Highlights After a rigorous application process, 25 research ..


Mega Scope launched by IIT Alumni Council for personalized health care

IIT Alumni Council has launched “MegaScope” for personalized healthcare. MegaScope has been launched to include testing, data analysis and genomics to precisely diagnose infections and to prescribe personalised medicines. Highlights MegaScope will add host genome data mapping along with Artificial ..


November 11: National Education Day

Every year, India celebrates National Education Day on November 11. It is also called Rashtriya Shiksha Diwas. The day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. He was the first Education Minister of India. Key ..


Indian Culture Portal launched

The Union Minister of State(independent charge) for Culture and Tourism, Prahlad Singh Patel launched the Indian Culture web portal in New Delhi on Tuesday, 10th December 2019. The web portal was envisioned by the Ministry of Culture and was completely ..

National Institutional Ranking Framework 2019

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings have been released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The rankings list the best institutions and universities of India. The NIRF ranking framework instituted in 2016 evaluates institutions on five broad generic groups ..
