Great Indian bustard

What are Great Indian Bustards?

The Great Indian Bustard is one of the heaviest flying birds in the world. It is native to the Indian subcontinent. The species is critically endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and other human activities. Conservation efforts are underway to ..



SC’s Idea on Project GIB

The Supreme Court, while hearing a plea to protect the Great Indian Bustard (GIB), floated an idea of a “Project GIB”, in line with the Project Tiger. About Great Indian Bustard The Great Indian Bustard (GIB) is a large bird ..



Migration of Great Indian Bustard

Three Great Indian Bustards were spotted in Pakistan’s Cholistan desert. Key facts The recent sighting of Great Indian Bustards (GIBs) in the Cholistan desert led to the speculation that these species have migrated from Desert National Park (DNP) in Rajasthan, ..



Great Indian Bustards and related conflict with Power Lines

The Great Indian Bustards are making it slow to manoeuvre while flying. They have poor frontal vision and a habit of scanning earth while flying over flat grasslands across western borders of India. As a result, they often collide with ..


Supreme Court’s Suggestion on saving Great Indian Bustard

The Supreme Court of India has given its suggestion in the behalf of the critically endangered Great Indian Bustards after the number of birds falling dead due to collision with power lines is increasing over time. These power line run ..


Pakistan permits Dubai Royals to hunt “Houbara Bustard”

Pakistan recently issued special permits to Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum and five other members of their family to hunt Houbara Bustard during the 2020-21 hunting season. Key Highlights The controversial private hunting expeditions of Houbara Bustard by ..


Asian Elephant, Great Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican classified as “Endangered Migratory Species” at CMS COP13

On February 20, 2020, Asian Elephant, Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican were declared as “Endangered Migratory Species” at the CMS COP 13. The proposal was accepted by 130 countries. Asian Elephant India declared Indian Elephant as “National Heritage Animal”. This ..


Three Animal Species in India Extinct Due To Desertification: Researchers

According to some researchers three animal species namely Indian Cheetah, pink-headed duck and Great Indian Bustard have become extinct due to desertification in India. The study by researchers was put forth at 14th meeting of Conference of Parties to United ..
