
India elected to three bodies of the UN ECOSOC

India was recently elected to the three bodies of the United Nations. They were the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Executive Board of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and the Executive Board of ..


Haryana Government postpones Panchayat Elections

On June 30, 2020, Haryana Government announced that due to COVID-19 crisis, the state government is cancelling Panchayat elections this year. The panchayat elections have been postponed to February 2021. Panchayati Raj Act According to the Panchayati Raj Act, the ..


People of Age 65 years and above shall opt for postal ballot

The Law Ministry recently amended the Conduct of Election Rules. According to the amendment, the ministry has allowed the COVID-19 suspects to use postal ballot facility. Alongside, the ministry has also allowed the people of age 65 years and above ..


Iraq new Prime Minister: Mustafa Al Kadhimi

Mustafa Al Kadhimi was chosen as the first Iraq Prime Minister after Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned in November 2019. On May 7, 2020, Iraq parliament voted to choose Mustafa Kadhimi as the new prime minister of Iraq. Highlights In November ..


South Korea ruling party wins election

On April 16, 2020, the ruling democratic party of President Moon Jae won the election taking 180 seats. The opposition United Future Party took 103 seats. There are 300 seats in the South Korea National Assembly. Pandemic concerns South Korea ..


11th tranche of Electoral Bonds sale to start from July 1

Union Ministry of Finance recently announced the launch of 11th tranche of electoral bonds sale starting from 1-10 July. This is 1st issuance of electoral bonds after conclusion of 17th general elections and formation of new government. What are Electoral ..


Election Commission of India (ECI) conducts first-ever Orientation Workshop on Election Management for IAS Asstt Secretaries

The Election Commission of India (ECI) has conducted the first-ever Orientation Workshop on Election Management for IAS Asstt Secretaries in New Delhi on August 3, 2018. The aim of the workshop is to familiarize the Assistant Secretaries with all facets ..

Vice President of India: Eligibility, Election, Power, Functions and Removal

The officer of Vice-President is second highest public office in India. Vice-President has second rank in the order of precedence. However, practically, his office has been created to provide political continuity of the Indian state. He works as acting president ..