COVID-19 treatment

Molnupiravir: New drug to treat COVID-19

On October 1, 2021, Pharmaceutical company “Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics” announced the early results of Phase-3 trials of its anti-viral drug called molnupiravir. As per the results, Molnupiravir has reduced the chances of hospitalisation by half among COVID-19 patients with ..


WHO warns against use of ivermectin to treat Covid-19

The Health Minister of Goa recently recommended the use of “Ivermectin” to all people above the age of eighteen years. However, the World Health Organisation has warned against its use now. What did the Goa Government say? The Government of ..


EpicVacCorona: Second COVID-19 Vaccine approved by Russia

The Russian Authorities have approved a new COVID-19 vaccine called “EpicVacCorona”. It is a two shot vaccine. Key Highlights EpiVacCorona is a peptide-based vaccine. Sputnik V was the first vaccine developed by Russia. Russia is to conduct the vaccine trial ..


COVAXIN to use Alhydroxiquim-II to boost Immune Response

The first COVID-19 vaccine, COVAXIN is currently in phase II trials in the country. The vaccine is to use Alhydroxiquim-II to boost the immune system. Highlights COVAXIN has sought the approval of Drugs Controller General of India to begin phase ..


US FDA authorizes to use blood plasma for Covid-19 treatment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of America has authorized the use of blood plasma from the COVID-19 survivors. It will be used to treat the disease. As stated by the FDA, it can decrease the mortality of the patients ..


DCGI allows use of “Itolizumab” for moderate to severe COVID-19 cases

On July 11, 2020, the Dugs Controller General of India (DCGI) granted restricted emergency use of Itolizumab for moderate to severe COVI-19 patients. Highlights Itolizumab is a monoclonal antibody that was already approved for chronic plaque psoriasis. The drug will ..


India approves second Vaccine Trial

The Drug Controller General of India approved to begin vaccine trial of Zydus Cadila. The firm is to conduct the vaccine trials in two phases. This is the second vaccine trial approved by India after Bharat Biotech’s COVAXIN. Highlights The ..


GoI launches Drug Discovery Hackathon for COVID-19

On July 2, 2020, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan and Union Minister of HRD Ramesh Pokhriyal launched “Drug Discovery Hackathon”, 2020. Highlights The event was jointly launched by the All India Council for Technical ..
