
GoI lifts ban on Paracetamol API exports

On May 28, 2020, the Government of India lifted the ban on export of paracetamol Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. Highlights The removal of ban will now allow the export of pharmaceutical ingredients used for COVID-19 treatment. In order to achieve this, ..


GoI plans to reduce dependency for drug intermediates and APIs

The Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) has collaborated with LAXAI Life Sciences to produce Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients inside India. This will help to reduce dependence of pharmaceutical sector on Chinese imports. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are ..


India to receive 6,50,000 COVID-19 testing kits from China

The first lot of 3 lakh COVID-19 testing kits are to arrive from China on April 16, 2020. In another 2 weeks India will receive 2 to 3 million kits from China. India is buying 100,000 RNA extraction kits and ..


India allows export of 12 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)

On April 7, 2020, the Government of India allowed the export of 12 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). GoI had earlier banned the export of these APIs and their formulations to prevent their shortages in India. Highlights The Directorate General of ..


GoI regulates 24 classes of medical devices as drugs

On April 1, 2020, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority revised the ceiling price of 883 scheduled formulations. The authority also informed that the disruption of supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are returning to normalcy. Highlights The NPPA has notified 24 ..


GoI: 5th Meeting of Task Force of Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients discuss Corona Virus

On February 18, 2020, the Ministry of Shipping and Chemical Fertilizers held the fifth meeting of Task Force. The Task Force discussed small, medium and large API units. Highlights The Ministry discussed on the availability of medicines and drugs to ..


Plan Bee wins Indian Railways ‘s Best Innovation Award

The Plan Bee initiative of the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has won the Best Innovation Award in Indian Railways for the 2018-19 fiscal. The initiative helps in preventing trains from hitting elephants crossing tracks. The Plan Bee is an amplifying ..

Facebook announces ban on Personality Quiz Apps on its platform

Facebook announced ban on personality quiz apps on its platform. The decision is taken after last years Cambridge Analytica Scandal, which helped researcher’s to access personal information of about 87 million facebooks users by using quiz app “thisisyourdigitallife”. Such move ..
