Govt proposes to significantly reduce fees for IPRs

The Ministry of Commerce and Industries has proposed to reduce fees for various intellectual property rights like patents and designs for micro, small and medium enterprises and startups to promote innovation.

Reduction in IPR Fees

  • The fees for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and startups for filing of patent applications will be reduced to Rs 1,600 or Rs 1,750 from Rs 4,000 or Rs 4,400.
  • The fees for the expedited examination will be reduced to Rs 8,000 from Rs 25,000 currently. Even the fees for the renewal of patents have been reduced.
  • The fees for filing of design applications has been reduced to Rs 1,000 from Rs 2,000.
  • The fees for filing of the application, issuance of certificate and renewal of GI has been proposed to cut to nil from the current Rs 500, Rs 100 and Rs 1,000, respectively.


Patents refer to enforceable exclusive rights granted to the inventor/creeator in exchange for his/her making their invention public.

Geographical Indication

The product to acquire GI tag has to indicate that a product of a particular origin has a certain quality or reputation or some other characteristics, which is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
The Indian Patent Office administered by the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) is responsible for granting of Patents and GI.

The reductions in fees are part of the multi-prolonged strategies to popularize the IPRs and stimulate innovation in the country.

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