Parthenogenesis – GKToday


At the New England Aquarium in the US, a virgin Anaconda, Anna has given birth to a few babies two of which have survived. The aquarium does not have a male anaconda. This birth of babies is attributed to the process of Parthenogenesis.

What is Parthenogenesis?

Parthenogenesis is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization. Parthenogenesis usually involves the development of a female but rarely a male.

Parthenogenesis occurs commonly among lower plants and invertebrate animals like rotifers, aphids, ants, wasps and bees but rarely among higher vertebrates.

Offsprings from Parthenogenesis tend to be clones of the parent because there has been no exchange and rearrangement of genetic information with another individual as happens in case of a sexual reproductive process.

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