International Buyer- Seller Meet in Arunachal Pradesh

On 14 Nov, the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)  under the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, held the first ever international buyer seller meet on Agriculture & Horticulture produce in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh . Buyers from seven countries of Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, UAE, Sultanate of Oman and Greece participated in the meet and interacted with exporters. The objective of the conference was to promote export of agricultural products and to facilitate market linkages for agri-exports from the North Easter Region (NER) especially Arunachal Pradesh.  The conference was held to provide a platform for B2B and B2G meetings of international buyers with the importers and exporters and the progressive farmers and growers from the North East Region (NER).


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