What is the significance of AI in detecting illegal cryptocurrency mining?

US-headquartered Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) have developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) system to detect malicious codes used by illicit cryptocurrency miners who use research computers for mining of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero, and Ethereum.

Mining procedure

  • The process of cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of computing knowledge and strong coding skill. The process demands many difficult calculations to mine cryptocurrencies.
  • Multiple arrays assembling are used by the miners to mine cryptocurrency. They always focus on the high computational capability to perform the entire hijacking process anonymously.

Significance of the designed AI

  • The algorithm is programmed in such a way that will identify malicious codes trying to hijack supercomputers for cryptocurrency mining.
  • The malicious programs will be compared on the basis of graphs like fingerprints.
  • It will focus on a particular set of programs that are allowed to run on a particular system.

The laboratory

  • Los Alamos National Laboratory was formed during World War II with the object of designing nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project. It was commissioned officially in 1942.
  • Gopinath Chennupati, a researcher of the laboratory said the artificial intelligence model is designed to detect the unauthorized use of supercomputers, focusing mainly on the purpose of cryptocurrency mining.


  • The new system has already been tested in a demo system considering its capability to prevent illegal mining. And it has found to be very effective.
  • The process of comparison of graphs will not let the miners operate in disguise.
  • Though it is not an ultimate protection system, it will definitely enhance the protection system.


Considering the recent hacking procedure of cryptocurrency miners it could be said that the new AI detecting system will definitely restrict the modus operandi of the illegal cryptocurrency miners.


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