Research shows signs of swine flu virus resistant to Tamiflu

An Australian research has warned that Swine flu virus may be now resistant to key medicine Tamiflu, raising fears of a new outbreak may be difficult to treat.

While just 2% of swine flu (H1N1) strains around the world are resistant to Tamiflu, according to the research,  mutations in all strains of the swine flu that suggest they might be susceptible to develop resistance.

How does the virus develop resistance?

  • Tamiflu resistance develops when an individual under treatment receives the drug to control their symptoms. In most flu viruses, the changes that make the virus resistant to treatment also make it less likely to spread to others. This has not happened with the swine flu and the virus remains fit enough to spread to others.
  • Swine flu has not yet developed resistance to Relenza, another anti-viral treatment.



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