Captain Middleton and the First English Factory at Surat (1611) – GKToday

Captain Middleton and the First English Factory at Surat (1611)

William Hawkins after leaving the court of Mughals at joined Captain Middleton at Bantam. In one of his homeward journey he died, but in 1611 Captain Henry Middleton landed at Swally near Surat and tried to get some recognition to the British Business.

At that time, English were in humiliating situation in India, subject to all kinds of indignities and insults. They had no valid rights to do any business in India and were obliged to pay bribes for any facility they could get here. They were gibed, robbed, arrested and beaten in the streets. There Portuguese influence was not allowing them to do something over here. When Henry Middleton entered India, there was an opposition from the Portuguese, but the British defeated the Portuguese in the Battle of Bombay in 1611.

But he was able to get a permission from the local Mughal governors to open a factory in India, so in 1611 the first English Factory was established in Surat.

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