By selling 33 meters of cloth, a person gains the cost of 11 meters. Find his gain percent.

By selling 33 meters of cloth, a person gains the cost of 11 meters. Find his gain percent.
[A]$latex 33\%$
[B]$latex 33\frac{1}{3}\%&s=1$
[C]$latex 33\frac{1}{2}\%&s=1$
[D]$latex 34\frac{1}{3}\%&s=1$

$latex \mathbf{33\frac{1}{3}\%}&s=1$
Gain per cent =
$latex = \frac{11}{13}\times 100 = \frac{100}{3} = 33\frac{1}{3}\%&s=1$
Hence option [B] is the right answer.

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