UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 531

Who among the following was the chairman of the Special Committee to examine the Draft Constitution of India ?
Consider the following comparisons of systems of government in India and Japan:
  1. Both the countries have bicameral legislatures
  2. Both the countries are constitutional monarchies
  3. Public does not directly choose the prime minister in both the countries
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Consider the following:
1. Non-metallic Minerals
2. Metallic Minerals
3. Fuel Minerals
Which among the following presents the correct decreasing order of the value of the above minerals produced in India in 2012-13?
The Special Economic Zones are allowed to conduct activities related to __:
1. Manufacturing
2. Trade
3. Service Activities
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
Which among the following can be used by the Government of India to raise its revenue receipts?
1. increasing Tax Rates
2. getting more grants from abroad
3. increasing Tax-GDP Ratio
4. increasing debt-GDP Ratio
Select the correct option from the codes given below:

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