Moody’s retains India’s Baa3 rating with stable outlook
Moody’s Investors Service recently announced its decision to maintain India’s sovereign credit rating at a minimum investment grade of ‘Baa3’ and continue with its “stable” outlook on the country. Key Points According to Moody’s, India’s economic growth rate in the ..
Month: Current affairs - September, 2022
Category: Economy & Banking Current Affairs
Moody’s India Growth Forecast- Update
The GDP growth prediction for India has been raised by Moody’s Investors Service. The prediction for the current financial year has been raised to 9.5 percent from 7 percent. Overview: The GDP forecast has been increased citing an economic recovery ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2022
Category: Economy & Banking Current Affairs
Moody’s upgrades outlook on India’s sovereign rating to Stable
Rating agency Moody’s Investors Service upgraded the sovereign rating outlook of India to stable from negative. Highlights This rating was upgraded citing reduced risks from COVID-19 as well as negative feedback between real economy & financial system. Moddy’s has retained ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
Moody’s: Second Covid Wave Increased Banks’ Asset Risks
According to Moody’s Investors Service, second wave of Covid infections has increased the asset risks for Indian banks. Highlights According to it, second wave of coronavirus infections in India has exacerbated stress on individuals and small businesses. They were hit ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2021
Moody’s: India’s growth projection at 9.6 per cent for 2021
Moody’s Investors Service has reduced India’s growth forecast to 9.6 per cent for 2021 from the earlier forecast of 13.9 per cent. According to it, growth will restrict to 7 % in 2022. Highlights Growth forecast was published in its ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2021
Fitch Ratings revises India’s growth estimate to 12.8%
American credit rating agency, Fitch, has published its ‘Global Economic Outlook (GEO)’. Fitch has revised GDP growth estimate of India to 12.8% for the fiscal year 2021-2022 from the previous 11%. Ratings were revised in the backdrop of loose fiscal ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2021
Moody’s report on Effect of Coronavirus
Moody’s Investors Service has published a report and stated that, though the businesses and economic activities across the globe have resumed after the pandemic-related lockdowns, but it would be hard for most of the countries to return to their pre-pandemic ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2021
Moody’s GDP Forecast- Key Highlights
The Rating agency Moody’s have recently forecasted that the nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India will rise closer to 17% in the Financial Year 2021. Key Highlights The US-based rating agency further forecasts that, India’s fiscal deficit projections are ..