
Mandatory Certification for Cotton Quality

The Minister of Textiles Shri Piyush Goyal recently headed the Textile Advisory Group meeting. During the meeting, the issues in the cotton value chain were discussed. After the discussion, the minister issued a Quality Control Order. The order reads that ..



October 7: World Cotton Day

World Cotton Day is observed on October 7 each year to promote the production, transformations, sale and consumption of cotton. Key facts 2022 marks the third anniversary of World Cotton Day. The theme for this year’s World Cotton Day is ..



Cotton Council of India

Cotton Council of India has been recently set up by the Union government. Why the council was set up? According to the Union Ministry of Textiles, the objective of the council is to resolve the issues related to cotton & ..



Second Advance Estimates of Production of Major Crops

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare announced the Second Advance Estimates of Major Crop Production for 2021-22. Foodgrain production is expected to reach a new high of 316.06 million tonnes. Overview: Foodgrains – 316.06 million tonnes. (record) Wheat –111.32 ..



KVIC’s Khadi Handmade Paper Slippers

KVIC is Khadi and Village Industries Commission. It operates under Ministry of MSME. It has recently launched hand made use and throw paper slippers and also khadi baby wear slippers. About Khadi baby wear For the first time, the KVIC ..



October 7: World Cotton Day 2021

World Cotton Day was observed on October 7, across the world, in a bid to raise awareness regarding the cotton sector among people. Key Points UN World Cotton Day (WCD) is celebrated annually on October 7 with the aim of ..


Kharif Food Grain Production to touch 150.50 mn tonne in 2021

According to Agriculture Ministry, India’s food grain production is expected to touch a record of 150.50 million tonne in the Kharif season of 2021 with a better rice output. Highlights In the Kharif season of 2020-21 crop year, food grain ..


Study: Benefits in Punjab due to BT Cotton adoption

As per recent study in Punjab, adoption of BT cotton in Punjab has resulted in net economic and environmental benefits. About BT Cotton BT cotton is a genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically modified pest resistant plant cotton variety. It ..
