Daily Current Affairs Quiz : February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022 February 11, 2022
1. Scientists from which country achieved a milestone in nuclear fusion energy, by generating 59 MJ of sustained energy?
[B] China
[C] India
[D] UK
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Correct Answer: D [UK]
Scientists in the United Kingdom have achieved a new milestone in producing nuclear fusion energy, or imitating the way energy is produced in the Sun.
A team at the Joint European Torus (JET) facility in central England generated 59 mega joules of sustained energy during an experiment. A kg of fusion fuel contains about 10 million times energy of that of a kg of coal, oil or gas.
2. Which Indian city has the most Traffic congestion, as per TomTom Traffic Index?
[A] New Delhi
[B] Mumbai
[C] Bengaluru
[D] Chennai
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Correct Answer: B [Mumbai]
Geo-location technology specialist TomTom has released the 11th edition of its annual TomTom Traffic Index. It is a report analysing traffic trends seen in 404 cities in 58 countries, during 2021.
India fared better than the global average of 10% decrease in congestion. But, four cities from India featured in the Index’s global top-25 list namely Mumbai (5th), Bengaluru (10th), and New Delhi (11th) and Pune (21st).
3. Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is published by which institution?
[A] NITI Aayog
[B] Pratham Foundation
[C] Ministry of Education
[D] Ministry of Women and Child Development
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Correct Answer: B [Pratham Foundation]
Pratham Foundation annually conducts an extensive survey in schools, to analyse the learning outcome of students.
Recently, it released the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER, West Bengal). As per the report, the basic reading and numerical abilities of school children in West Bengal have reduced during Covid-19, without class rooms.
4. The National Centre of Excellence in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (NCOE-CCU) has been established at which institution?
[B] IIT- Bombay
[C] IISc- Bengaluru
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Correct Answer: B [IIT- Bombay]
The Department of Science & Technology (DST) has established the National Centre of Excellence in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (NCOE-CCU) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay.
This is India’s first such centre centrally funded by the DST. This Centre of Excellence explores the potential of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies, which will help India achieve its climate change goals.
5. An ancient Roman settlement has been recently found by the archaeologists in which country?
[A] Greece
[B] UK
[D] Russia
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Correct Answer: B [UK]
The researchers from the United Kingdom found an ancient Roman settlement site while investigating the route of the construction of upcoming high-speed railway called HS2.
In a recent excavation, Scientists could find 40 decapitated skeletons, which were likely to have been executed criminals. Many of these were buried in graves with their severed heads placed between their legs or at their feet. The team earlier found 1,200 coins, pottery, cutlery, gaming dice, bells and lead weights.

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