Page-17 of Indian Constitution Short Questions

Write briefly about the concept of welfare state enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Constitution has been conceived and drafted in the mid-twentieth century when the concept of social welfare state was the rule of the day. The Constitution is thus pervaded with the modern outlook regarding the objectives and functions of ..

Why is the Indian Constitution called as the fundamental law of the land?

The Constitution of India being written constitutes the fundamental law of the land. This has several significant implications. It is under this fundamental law that all laws are made and executed, all governmental authorities act and the validity of their ..

What purpose is served by the preamble of the Indian Constitution?

The purpose of the Preamble is to clarify who has made the Constitution, what is its source, what is the ultimate sanction behind it; what is the nature of the polity which is sought to be established by the Constitution ..

What are the most important components of secularism as enshrined in the Indian Constitution?

The most important components of secularism as enshrined in the Indian constitution are:- (i) Article 14 of the Constitution guarantees right to equality; (ii) Article 15 and 16 prohibits any discrimination on the ground of religion, caste, etc; (iii)Freedom of ..

Write briefly about secularism as enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

India is country of religions. There exist multifarious religious groups in the country but, in spite of this, the Constitution stands for a secular state of India. There is no official religion in India. ‘Secularism’ has been inserted in the ..

What objectives have been enshrined in the Indian Constitution?

The Preamble of the Constitution contains the basic objectives of the Constitution. These are: – to secure to all its citizens social, economic and political justice; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and opportunity, and ..