Consumer Protection Act

Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021

Central Government has notified the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021. Where will these rules be applicable? The new rules will be applicable to: All goods and services bought or sold through direct selling All direct selling entities offering goods ..


National Consumer Rights Day: December 24

Every year, the National Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on December 24 in India. The World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15. The National Consumer Day is celebrated through out India to protect the interests of the consumers. ..


Government releases draft guidelines for ads

The Consumer Affairs Ministry has come out with a comprehensive set of draft guidelines on advertising.  The guideline says, disclaimers in small font and which are not factual will be treated as misleading ads. The code has been drafted by ..


New Set of Rules for E-Commerce Players Coming into Force from This Week

The Minister of Consumer Affairs, Ram Vilas Paswan, has announced that the new set of rules pertaining to the e-commerce players in India will come into effect from this week onwards. The new Consumer Protection Act is also coming into ..


Consumer Protection Bill

The Lok Sabha has passed the Consumer Protection Bill. The bill aims to provide protection of interests of consumers and aims to set up authorities for the timely settlement of disputes. It also received the Parliamentary approval on August 6, ..

2018 National Consumer Day (NCD)

The National Consumer Day (NCD) is observed every year in India on 24th December to highlight the importance of the consumer movement and the need to make every consumer more aware of their rights and responsibilities. The 2018 theme is ..

Consumer Protection Bill 2018 passed in Lok Sabha to strengthen rights of consumers

The Consumer Protection Bill 2018 has recently passed in Lok Sabha to strengthen the rights of consumers and to provide a mechanism for redressal of their complaints regarding defects in goods and deficiency in services. It seeks to establish Consumer ..

R K Agrawal appointed as President of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

Former Supreme Court judge Justice R K Agrawal, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, has been appointed the President of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC). He will take over from Justice D K Jain, who will complete his term ..