
ITCN Programme

The National Institute of Urban Affairs recently launched the Infant Toddler and Caregiver friendly Neighbourhoods Training and Capacity Building Programme. The Institute is partnered by Bernard van Leer Foundation in implementing the programme. About the Programme The ITCN programme is ..


Who are conferred with ‘Pradhan Mantri Bal Shakti Puraskar’ award?

Recently, the nominations of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar for the year 2021 have been invited by the Ministry of Women and Child Development from children, individuals, and institutions. The award The Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar is the ..


Operation Muskaan launched

On July 14, 2020, Operation Muskaan was launched in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Highlights The operation aims at tracing missing children, prevent child labour and bonded child labour and rescue children engaged as domestic helps. Operation Muskaan The operation ..


‘A Future for the World’s Children’ report released

A report titled ‘A Future for the World’s Children’ was recently released by a World Health Organization (WHO) Commission, UNICEF and the Lancet journal. The report included a new ‘Global Flourishing index’, which compares the countries in measures of child ..

February 10: National Deworming Day

Every year National Deworming Day is observed twice on February 10th and August 10th. The event is observed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The implementing agency under the ministry is National Health Mission. The worms mainly spreads from ..


Prince Charles launches children’s protection fund for India

The Prince of Britain, Charles has recently unveiled a new children’s protection fund for India. This fund is a part of the charity founded by him in 2007, the British Asian Trust. The trust was founded to fight poverty in ..

World Day against Child Labour

World Day against Child Labour 2019 was observed on 12 June to raise awareness about the plight of child labourers worldwide with the theme ‘Children shouldn t work in fields, but on dreams’. What is Child Labour? The International Labour ..

Tackling Anaemia

Even though India has was to dramatically reduce the number of people living in extreme poverty from 306 million people living on less than $1.90 (on a PPP basis) a day in 2011 to 48 million today, it is puzzling ..