Literature and science during Early Medieval India

During early medieval period, there was a considerable development in the literature. However, the quality of the content in them was not of a high order. It was basically of general imitative and reproductive character. The list is very big; however, here we note some of the most significant artworks.


Naishadhiyacharitam of Shriharsha is the most outstanding epic of this period, written under the patronage of Gahadawala king Jayachandra of Kannauj.


Rajatarangini of Kalhana is unique as the only known attempt at true history in the whole of surviving Sanskrit literature. A few short poems were also written during this period.


The Gita-Govindam of Jayadeva is known as the most musical song ever written in Sanskrit.


The Aryasaptashati of Govardhanacharya is an erotic poem following the tradition of Gathasaptashati of Hala.

Other works

Rasarnava and Dakarnava

The Rasarnava is a work on Tantra, which deals with metallic preparations and alchemy. The Dakarnava is a Buddhist tantric work composed in Apabhramsha. The Sadhanamala, a Buddhist tantric work belongs to the twelfth century.

Erotic Literature and miscellaneous

The field of erotic literature saw some development. Ratirahasya by Kokkaka, Haramekhala by Mahuka,  Rativilasa  by Jayamangal etc. are some important works on Kamashastra. In the field of music we have Matanga, Dhatupatha as codified by  Bhimasena, Kuttanimatam of Damodargupta etc. Bhatta utpala wrote a work on Vastuvidya. On cosmetics we have Gandhashatra by Padmashri in his work on erotics. The Vishnudharmottara gives much attention to painting was the chitrasutra mentioned by Damodargupta. The Aparajita-Prichcha is a work on architecture which appears to have been written in Gujarata in AD 1200. The Sangita-Ratnakara of Sharangadeva was written in the 13th century in the south. The Laghvarhannitishastra of Hemachandra is a work on political science. Another work on the duties and obligations of princes was the Rajaniti-Kamadhenu of Gopala.

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