Daily Current Affairs Quiz : December 15, 2021
December 15, 2021 December 15, 2021
1. What is the theme of the “International Universal Health Coverage Day” 2021?
[A] Sustainable Health Coverage
[B] Leave No One’s Health Behind: Invest in Health Systems for All
[C] Universal access to Healthcare
[D] Equitable and healthy society
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Correct Answer: B [Leave No One’s Health Behind: Invest in Health Systems for All]
Universal Health Coverage Day is observed every year on December 12. According to UN, this year’s theme – “Leave No One Behind When It Comes to Health: Invest in Health Systems for All”.
Universal Health Coverage Day seeks to renew global efforts to ensure that people have access to health care when they need it and progress toward a more equitable and healthy society.
2. Island Territory of New Caledonia recently voted to stay part of which country?
[A] France
[C] Japan
[D] Russia
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Correct Answer: A [France]
Voters in the French island territory of New Caledonia chose to stay part of France, in a referendum, hailed by French President Emmanuel Macron.
Sonia Backes, President of the Southern Province region, announced the results, which showed 96 per cent of those who took part chose to stay in France. The vote was monitored by the UN and regional powers.
3. ‘Commercial Space Astronaut Wings program’ is associated with which country?
[B] China
[C] Russia
[D] Australia
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Correct Answer: A [USA]
Commercial Space Astronaut Wings Program is implemented by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The program comes under the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 and was designed to recognize pilots and flight crew. Recently, FAA announced that it will no longer issue Commercial Space Astronaut Wings, the pins given to individuals reaching space but instead recognise on its website.
4. As per the updated DICGC Act, account holders can access their insured deposit amount within …… days
[A] 30
[B] 45
[C] 90
[D] 180
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Correct Answer: C [90]
Indian Government passed an amendment to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act to ensure that account holders can access their insured deposit amount within 90 days.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a bank deposit insurance programme and said that Rs 1,300 crore had been paid to over 1 lakh depositors whose banks faced financial crises. 3 lakh such depositors were set to receive funds stuck in such accounts.
5. Buxa tiger reserve, recently seen in the news, is located in which state/UT?
[A] West Bengal
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[C] Bihar
[D] Meghalaya
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Correct Answer: A [West Bengal]
A Royal Bengal Tiger has been spotted in Buxa tiger reserve in West Bengal, after at least 23 years, as per the West Bengal government.
A picture of a tiger was captured on a trap camera in the forest of East Damanpur of Buxa tiger reserve. It was in 1998 that images of a Royal Bengal Tiger were captured at the reserve earlier. The reserve had lost its identity as a tiger reserve from the National Wild Life Board.

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