Daily Current Affairs Quiz : August 19, 2021
August 19, 2021 August 19, 2021
1. In collaboration with which organization, has NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) launched Student Entrepreneurship Program 3.0?
[A] Dassault Systemes
[B] Google
[C] Tesla
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Correct Answer: A [Dassault Systemes]
Notes:- Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of NITI Aayog in collaboration with La Fondation Dassault Systemes in India launched the third series of the ‘Student Entrepreneurship Program’ (SEP 3.0) for the young innovators of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL).
- The theme of SEP 3.0 is based on the ‘Made in 3D – Seed the Future Entrepreneurs Program’, conceptualized and rolled out in France by La Main à la Pate Foundation and La Fondation Dassault Systèmes Europe in 2017.
- As part of this program, a team from each school (6 students and a teacher) will be allocated seed funding towards creating their own start-up, design and prototype their innovation using 3D printing, prepare marketing campaign, define product pricing and create expansion strategy.
- At the end of the program, each school’s start-up will participate in a playful competition and present their marketing campaign in front of experts from industry and academia.
2. Which state/UT government will provide Rs 6000 to landless labourers under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhumihin Majdur Nyay Yojana scheme?
[A] Madhya Pradesh
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Chhattisgarh
[D] Haryana
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Correct Answer: C [Chhattisgarh]
Notes:- Chhattisgarh government launched the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhumihin Majdur Nyay Yojana’.
- Under this scheme, Rs 6000 will be provided to each of 12 lakh landless labourers. Scheme was launched with the provision of Rs 200 crores.
- It will benefit 12 lakh landless families. This scheme has been launched with the aim of providing support to rural landless labourers with some minimum wages.
- This minimum wage will help them to get access to basic amenities. Beneficiaries will receive their benefits before March 31, 2022.
3. Which organization has launched a new Cybersecurity Multi-Donor Trust Fund?
[A] Asian Development Bank
[B] European Central Bank
[C] Reserve Bank of India
[D] World Bank
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Correct Answer: D [World Bank]
Notes:- The World Bank has launched a new Cybersecurity Multi-Donor Trust Fund aimed at better defining and systematically rolling out the cybersecurity development agenda to help ensure a more substantial reflection of cybersecurity considerations across its programs and financing.
- Developed as an associated trust fund under the World Bank’s broader Digital Development Partnership Umbrella (DDP), the Cybersecurity Multi-Donor Trust Fund’s launch was made possible with donor contributions from Estonia, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands.
- The new Cybersecurity Multi-Donor Trust Fund will help ensure that countries and their citizens can safely and securely take full advantage of the ongoing digital transformation and development.
4. Which organization has set up a specialised lab for camera innovation at Hyderabad?
[A] Xiaomi
[B] Oppo
[C] Apple
[D] Samsung
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Correct Answer: B [Oppo]
Notes:- Smartphone maker Oppo has set up a specialised lab for camera innovation at its Hyderabad research and development centre.
- It is designed to develop localised features, camera solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and focus on developing imaging software for a better user experience.
5. Which State/UT has launched Dalit Bandhu scheme?
[A] Telangana
[B] Madhya Pradesh
[C] Tamil Nadu
[D] Chhattisgarh
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Correct Answer: A [Telangana]
Notes:- Telangana has launched the Dalit Bandhu scheme at Salapalli village in Huzurnagar Assembly Constituency.
- CM K Chandrashekhar Rao has launched this scheme on a pilot basis by handing over certificates to the select beneficiaries sanctioning financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh each to take up their choice of income generation activity.
- Also, a separate Protection Fund will be created.
- Dalit Bandhu Samitis would be established at different levels – from village level to State level – and these would be entrusted with the responsibility of managing the dalit protection fund.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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