Page-50 of Environment Current Affairs

What is Polystoechotes punctate?

Polystoechotes punctate, which was thought to be extinct in the eastern United States, was rediscovered in 2012 after more than 5 decades. The giant Jurassic-era insect was found in Arkansas. Jurassic Era occurred some 201.4 million years ago. There is ..



What is Tillyardembiids?

Fossils of the oldest known insect and the world’s first plant pollinators called tillyardembiids were discovered recently in Russia. They were found along the riverbank, close to the village of Chekarda in Russia. What are Tillyardembiids? Tillyardembiids are earwig-like insects ..



What is Arribada?

Olive Ridley turtles are a globally recognized species for their synchronized nesting behavior, also known as arribadas. This endangered species is primarily found in the warm and tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are the second-smallest and ..


What is Sea Ice?

Antarctica’s sea ice is rapidly shrinking due to global warming. A new report suggested that it is likely to shrink to a record low, falling to its lowest extent in more than four decades of satellite record keeping. The ice ..



Methane Global Tracker report

The Methane Global Tracker report is the annual report released by the International Energy Agency. According to the latest report, fossil fuel companies released 120 million metric tonnes of methane into the atmosphere last year. This is just a slight ..



Holistic Development of Great Nicobar Island Project

The Holistic Development of the Great Nicobar Island Project is being criticised for its adverse impact on the island’s ecology and indigenous tribes. This 166.10 sq. km project involves the construction of an airport, a township, a container transhipment terminal, ..

