Page-2 of Psychology

Psychological egoism of Hobbes versus Ethical egoism of Ayn Rand

Rand defines altruism as the view that “Any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one’s own benefit is evil”. Thus, the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value—and ..

Thomas Hobbes Psychological Egoism

Psychological egoism is the position that we always do that act that we perceive to be in our own best self-interest. That is, we have no choice but to be selfish. We cannot be motivated by anything other than what ..

Role of Persuasive Communication in Attitude Change

In attitudes and attitude change, psychologists have identified the role of communication in persuading others. There are few Techniques that are used by the communicators to persuade the other people. Lets have a basic idea of them first. Impression Management ..

What is Persuasion? – Meaning & Components of Persuassion

Persuasion is a fact that represents the intersection of social thinking and social influence of everyday life. Persuaders try to influence our beliefs and attitudes for e.g.: we will vote for them, buy their products, do them favours, or otherwise ..

Theories of Attitude Organization

Various theories of attitude organization are as follows: Learning Theory: Approach that assumes that a person’s attitudes are based on principles of reinforcement association, imitation and punishment. Theory of Cognitive consistency: This theory states that tendency for people to seek ..