Page-2 of Planning in India

Economic Planning

Economic Planning refers to any plans of economic activity which point to achieve specific social and economic outcomes. The planning mechanism involves the specific economic or social outcomes. The philosophy of planning is that only markets and price system cannot ..

Nature of the Indian Economy

Early on at the outset itself, independent India chose to adopt a mixed approach instead of veering either towards an economy wholly determined by market forces or an economy wholly and only controlled by the state. The Indian Constitution itself ..

Fifth Five Year Plan

The Fifth Five Year Plan India was sketched out for the period spanning 1974 to 1979 with the objectives of increasing the employment level, reducing poverty, and attaining self-reliance. The twin objectives of poverty eradication and attainment of self reliance were inculcated ..

First Five Year Plan

Since 1951 India has completed 11 five year plans and 12th five year plan is about to finish in 2017.  Each five year plan started from April 1 of a particular and ended on March 31 of a particular year, ..