China recommends Bear Bile as a cure for COVID-19
The Chinese Government has put on a list of medicines that shall be used to treat COVID-19. It includes both Chinese traditional medicines and western medicines as well. Among these, “Tan Re Qing” has been identified as best cure. This ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2020
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand successfully controlled Hepatitis B
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand have recently become the first four countries in the World Health Organization (WHO)’s South-East Asia region to have successfully controlled Hepatitis B. The virus is said to be controlled when the disease occurrenceis reduced to ..
World Liver day observed on 19th April
April 19 is observed as World Liver Day. This day is meant to raise awareness about liver and following a lifestyle which supports liver health. This day is observed to understand importance of liver in human body and how liver ..
2019 World Liver Day (WLD) observed on April 19
The World Liver Day (WLD) is observed every year on 19th of April to build awareness and understanding how important liver is for our body. The liver is a complex and one of the biggest organs in the body and ..
Study indicates that even Non-obese and lean Indians are also prone to type 2 diabetes
A new study has revealed that contrary to popular belief, not only obese and overweight but also non-obese and lean persons may be prone to type 2 diabetes. The study indicates that nearly 20 to 30 per cent suffering from ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2019
April 19: World Liver Day
The World Liver Day (WLD) is observed every year on April 19 to build awareness and understanding importance of liver in human body and how liver ailments can be treated. The 2018 theme for WLD is ‘Riding New Waves in ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2018
World observes 2018 World Liver Day (WLD)
The World Liver Day (WLD) is observed every year on April 19 to build awareness and understanding how important the liver is for our body and how liver ailments can be treated. Liver is a unique organ in human body ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2018
July 28: World observes “World Hepatitis Day”
World Hepatitis Day is being observed round the globe. The focus is to spread awareness about viral hepatitis, which kills around 1 million people every year. Millions more suffer immediate sickness or long-term ill health. What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis as ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2012