Kepler space telescope

Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES)

China proposed a project named Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) to survey the sky through a space-based telescope. What is the objective? The objective is to find habitable terrestrial planets outside the solar system, around 32 light-years from Earth. It ..



Near Identical Twin of Jupiter Planet

Astronomers have recently discovered a planet that is a near-identical twin of Jupiter. The newly discovered twin of Jupiter is also located at a similar distance from its star as the distance between Jupiter and the Sun. Overview: The newly ..



TESS discovered its first Earth-size Habitable-Zone Planet

Responsible for civilian space program and aeronautics & aerospace research in United States, the independent agency of the United States Federal Government, NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s planet hunter-Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TISS) has discovered its first Earth-size Habitable-zone ..


Hubble Telescope finds Water Vapour on Habitable-Zone Exoplanet

For the first time have Astronomers have discovered water vapour signatures in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar system that resides in the habitable zone (the region around a star which can support liquid water given sufficient atmospheric ..

Scientists discover water vapor in atmosphere of a super-Earth “K2-18b”

For the first time, the astronomers at the University College London have discovered water vapour in the atmosphere of an Earth-size planet called K2-18b. They used data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The exoplanet “K2-18b” is 8-times the mass of ..

Scientists discover new Saturn like planet 60 times bigger than Earth

Astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet using NASA’s exoplanet-hunting space telescope, TESS. The exoplanet is said to be 60 times bigger than our planet and is five-billion-year-old planet. The exoplanet is dubbed TOI-197.0 or “hot Saturn” because of its size ..

Over 100 new exoplanets discovered using NASA’s Kepler Space telescope

Scientists have discovered cache over 100 new exoplanets using data from NASA’s Kepler Space telescope (KST) as well as ground-based observatories. Exoplanet also called as extrasolar planet, is planet that orbits star other than Sun. The discovery of 100 new ..


NASA retires Kepler space telescope

NASA has retired Kepler space telescope after it ran out of fuel needed for further science operations. This brings end of nine-and-a-half year mission of Kepler space telescope in which it had discovered over 2,600 intriguing exoplanets from outside our ..
