Page-13 of Indian Constitution Short Questions

Is the rule of law as embodied in Article 14, the basic feature of the Indian Constitution?

In Kilhoto Hollohon case, it was observed that “Democracy is a part of basic structure of Our Constitution. Thus, rule of law being one of the basic features of democracy, is also the basic feature of the Indian Constitution.” Hence, ..

What is Jennings concept of equality before the law?

According to Jennings, Equality before the law means that among equals the law should be equal and should be equally administered, that like should be treated alike. The right to sue and be sued, to prosecute and be prosecuted for ..

Can there be different norms for confirmation or promotion of persons belonging to the same cadre?

There could be only one norm for confirmation or promotion of persons belonging to the same cadre in service. No junior shall be confirmed or promoted without considering the case of his senior. Apart from being contrary to Article 16 ..

Is any part of Article 14 of the Indian Constitution above the recognition of exceptions and qualifications on special grounds?

Two concepts are involved in Article 14, viz., ‘equality before law’ and ‘equal protection of laws’. The first is a negative concept which ensures that there is no special privilege in favour of any one, that all are equally subject ..

What is meant by ‘law in force’?

‘Law in force’ includes prior laws passed or made by the legislature or other competent authority in the territory of India before the commencement of the Constitution and not previously repealed, notwithstanding that any such law or any part thereof ..

What is meant by ‘law’?

The term ‘law’ in Article 13 has been given a wide connotation so as to include any ordinance, order, bye-law, rule, regulation, notification, custom or usage having in the territory of India the force of law. The definition is enumerative ..