Indian nationalists
Upper House passes Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Trust Bill
On 19 Nov, Rajya Sabha passed the Jalianwala Bagh National Memorial (Amendment), Bill, 2019 in the ongoing winter session of the Parliament. The session marks the 250th session of the Rajya Sabha . The Bill replaced the Congress president as ..
2019 edition of National Unity Day (NUD)
The 2019 edition of National Unity Day (NUD) is observed on 31st of October across India to commemorate 144th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patelwho had played important role in unifying the country. Since 2014, October 31st is observed as ..
‘Run for Unity’ organized in India
The event ‘Run for unity’ is being organised all over the country to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Lakhs of people from more than 700districts will take part in the events to be organized on the occasion. ..
Bhagat Ram Vats, former PTI senior correspondent, passes away
Bhagat Ram Vats (97), a former PTI senior correspondent who covered India’s first Lok Sabha polls, has passed away on 18th September 2019. He started his career with The Statesman, New Delhi, and later joined the Press Trust of India ..
Gandhi Solar Park (GSP) inaugurated at headquarters of UN
On 24th September 2019, the Gandhi Solar Park (GSP) and the ‘Gandhi Peace Garden’ have inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with others world leaders at UN headquarters. On the occasion, a special UN Postage on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150 ..
Delhi government launchs a project titled ‘Oral History Programme’
The Delhi government has launched a project titled ‘Oral History Programme’ that seeks to record oral histories of the city as told by its senior citizens. The project is an attempt to democratise knowledge by recording stories told by hundred ..
G D Robert Govender bestowed with 2019 V K Krishna Menon Award
G D ‘Robert’ Govender, an Indian-origin journalist in South Africa, has been honoured in the UK with 2019 V K Krishna Menon award for his outstanding contribution as a pioneer of decolonized journalism. During a career spanning nearly 60 years, ..
Government of India announces institution of a new award named after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
The Government of India (GoI) has announced the institution of a new award named after freedom fighter Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, which would be given every year for “outstanding efforts” in the field of furthering national integration. The award was announced ..