Fields of mathematics

Penrose Tiling Problem and the “The Hat” Shape

In the world of mathematics, there are problems that have been around for centuries, or even millennia, waiting to be solved. One such problem is the Penrose tiling problem, named after the British mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose. The Penrose ..



SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for 2022

The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize was recently bestowed to Yunqing Tang – an Assistant Professor at the University of California. Key facts The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for 2022 was conferred to Yunqing Tang for her works in arithmetic and geometry of ..



Honeybees capable of parity categorization

Honeybees are the only non-humans found to be capable of learning parity categorization. Key facts Parity classification is the categorization of numbers as either odd or even. It is used when dealing with real-world objects that can be paired. If ..



Hillel Furstenberg and Gregory Margulis receive Abel Prize

Hillel Furstenberg of Israel and Russian-American Gregory Margulis are the recipients of the prestigious Abel Prize for the year 2020, one of the highest awards in the field of Mathematics. The two mathematicians were selected for introducing the use of ..

Israel scientist develops a concept named Ramanujan Machine

The scientists from Technion — Israel Institute of Technology (IIT) have developed a concept & have named Ramanujan Machine, after the Indian mathematician. It is not really a machine but an algorithm that automatically generates conjectures for fundamental constants. The ..

Noted Mathematician Michael Atiyah passes away

Prof. Sir Michael Atiyah (89), the noted British mathematician has passed away in United Kingdom on 11th January 2019. He was best known for his co-development of a branch of mathematics called topological K-theory and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. His ..

2018 National Mathematics Day (NMD)

The National Mathematics Day (NMD) is celebrated every year in India on December 22 to commemorate the birth anniversary of great mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. The day also recognizes his contribution to the world of mathematics, which includes mathematical analysis, ..

The 2018 Pi Day is observed on 14 March

The Pi Day is observed every year on March 14 (3/14) across the world. It is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant ? (pi). Pi represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It’s an important part ..