Comparison of the Harappa and Vedic Civilizations

The key differences between Harappa and Vedic Civilization are enumerated as follows:

  1. The sources of information of the Harappan civilization are mainly archaeological, while the Vedic culture is mostly known from the literary sources.
  2. Harappans are said to have been the original inhabitants of India while the Aryans are believed to have come to India from central Asia.
  3. The Harappan civilization was urban in nature, Vedic culture was rural and pastoral. At best the Rig Vedic Aryans lived in fortified places protected by mud walls; and these cannot be regarded as towns in the Harappan sense.
  4. In the Indus civilization trade, internal and external, crafts as well as industries were the main sources of economy, Vedic Economy was initially postoral and later became based upon agriculture and cattle rearing.
  5. The agricultural operations, including the ploughing of fields,  were better known to the later-Vedic people.
  6. Indus people did not know the use of iron. It was purely a copper-bronze culture, while the Vedic culture in its later phase is replete with references to iron.
  7. The horse, which played a decisive role in the Aryan system of warfare, was not known to the Indus people. A few bones of horse and terracotta figure of a horse-like animal have been unearthed from surkotada.
  8. Indus people were basically peace loving. Their arms (swords, daggers, arrow-heads, spears) were primitive in nature. Aryans were warlike people and were conversant with all kinds of traditional arms and armour and had devised a full-fledged science of war.
  9. Aryans worshiped Varuna, Indra, aditi and a large number of other deities which stood for the principal phenomena of nature. They performed  sacrifices and offered milk, ghee, etc. to their  The Harappans  worshipped  Pashupati, mother goddess, animals , snake and nature. The fire-altars were discovered from only  one Harappan site at Kalibangan.
  10. The Harappans practiced earth burials whereas the Aryans practiced cremation.
  11. Harappan pottery called black or red pottery was wheel made and very distinctive in nature. The distinctive Aryan pottery is known  as PGW (painted grey ware).
  12. The Harappans ate all birds and animals  including  cow and calf. They ate wheat, barley and bread. The Aryans preferred Barley, milk and its products, specially ghee or  butter and enjoyed  Soma drink.
  13. Cotton was the basic fabric of the Harappans while the Aryans put on woollen garments
  14. Vedic Sanskrit is the mother of all non-Dravidian  languages , Indus  script  still remains undeciphered.
  15. It was quite clear that Indus people were literate whereas the Vedic people were illiterate (In terms of writing) because there is not a single word for writing in any of the Vedic texts.


  1. Hamumadu

    June 29, 2016 at 6:57 am

    The existence of Aryans is not proven. The whole Aryan Invasion Theory is a racist theory to establish white supremacy which resulted in the rise of Hitler and Nazism and the horrific genocide of 5 million people. The Indian communists/leftists use it to divide India into Aryans(Invaders) and Dravidians(Native) people whereas genetic evidence proves that all Indian people, North Indians and South Indians, have been living in India for greater than 40000 years. When will you upgrade your syllabus as per new discoveries and get rid of leftist propaganda?

  2. Varsha Venugopal

    April 7, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    There is something substantially wrong with your twelfth point. Beauty is something that is subjective. While describing Aryans as ‘handsome’ you are giving the idea that anything un-Aryan is not beautiful. Aryan features of tall and fair are considered to be handsome while short and dark is considered ugly. An education site like this should be much more sensitive to usages like these. That statement can easily pass for being racist.

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