Page-10 of Science & Technology Current Affairs

How are Genes Made?

Recent studies have advanced our understanding of gene evolution and function. In December 2024, two prominent research groups published findings that shed light on how new genes are created. One group from the University of Nevada, Reno, reported in *Molecular ..



Semiconductor Synthesized from Graphene

In February 2024, a remarkable achievement in materials science occurred when a US-China research team synthesised a functional semiconductor from graphene. This breakthrough is set to transform various industries, including electronics, energy storage, and medical devices. The unique properties of ..



World’s First 300 MW Compressed Air Energy Storage Plant

The Nengchu-1 project in Yingcheng, Hubei Province, has marked advancement in China’s energy storage capabilities. This facility is the world’s first 300-megawatt compressed air energy storage (CAES) demonstration project. It has achieved full capacity grid connection and is now generating ..



India Joins UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics

India’s membership in the UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science for Official Statistics (UN-CEBD) marks milestone in the nation’s statistical landscape. This development reflects India’s commitment to utilising data and technology for informed decision-making. The UN-CEBD ..



Russia’s Floating Nuclear Power Plant Initiative

Russia has made advancements in nuclear energy with the introduction of floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs). The Akademik Lomonosov, operational since 2019 in Pevek, represents a shift in energy production. This innovation aims to meet energy demands in remote areas, ..



What is Space Docking?

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to achieve milestone in space exploration. Over the next few days, ISRO will attempt to dock two small satellites in orbit, marking India’s first foray into this complex operation. If successful, India ..



Nanobodies Role in Ebola Virus Treatment

Ebola virus remains threat to global health, with a high fatality rate of approximately 50%. Recent advancements at the University of Minnesota and the Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Center have led to the development of novel nanobody-based inhibitors targeting ..



Advancements in Nanoscale Light Control

Recent developments in nanoscale light control have emerged from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore. Researchers have made strides in integrating two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor colloidal quantum wells (CQWs) with dielectric metasurface resonators (MSRs). This integration enhances light emission ..

