The marked price of watch was 820 Rs. A man bought the watch for 570.72 Rs. after getting two successive discounts, of which the first was 20%, then the second discount was :
Q. The marked price of watch was 820 Rs. A man bought the watch for 570.72 Rs. after getting two successive discounts, of which the first was 20%, then the second discount was :
Answer: 13%
Notes: Total discount = (820 - 570.72) = 249.28 Rs. First discount $latex = 820\times \frac{20}{100} = 164\ Rs.&s=1$ ∴ Second discount = (249.28 - 164) = 85.28 Rs. Price of the article after first discount = (820 - 164) = 656 Rs. If the second discount be x%, then x% of 656 = 85.28 $latex => x = \frac{85.28\times 100}{656} = 13\%&s=1$ Hence option [B] is correct answer.