A man lent 60000 Rs. partly at 5% and the rest at 4% simple interest. If the total annual interest is 2560 Rs. the money lent at 4% was :
Q. A man lent 60000 Rs. partly at 5% and the rest at 4% simple interest. If the total annual interest is 2560 Rs. the money lent at 4% was :
Answer: 44000
Notes: Let the amount lent at 4% be x ∴ Amount lent at 5% = (60000 - x) According to the question, $latex \frac{(60000-x)\times 5\times 1}{100}+\frac{x\times 4\times 1}{100} = 2560&s=1$ $latex => 300000-5x+4x = 256000$ $latex => x = 300000 - 256000 = 44000\ Rs.$ Hence option [C] is correct answer.