The next term in the sequence -1, 6, 25, 62, 123, 214, __ is :
Q. The next term in the sequence -1, 6, 25, 62, 123, 214, __ is :
Answer: 341
Notes: The sequence is based on the following pattern : $latex 1^{3}-2 = 1-2 = -1$ $latex 2^{3}-2 = 8-2 = 6$ $latex 3^{3}-2 = 27-2 = 25$ $latex 4^{3}-2 = 64-2 = 62$ $latex 5^{3}-2 = 125-2 = 123$ $latex 6^{3}-2 = 216-2 = 214$ $latex 7^{3}-2 = 343-2 = \underline{341}$ Hence option [A] is the correct answer.