Page-5 of GS-III: Linkages Between Development and Spread of Extremism

To what extent, the policy to make the North East a developmental frontier is responsible for its economic backwardness. Discuss.

Model Answer: India’s north east is home to a large number of tribes and communities living in a relative isolation in their own cultural niches. They were largely autonomous and had their own ways of social and economic organizations, which ..


"Underdevelopment breeds insurgency and insurgency retards development". Discuss giving reference to India's North East Region.

Model Answer: Regional development means improving the economic, political, and social well-being of the people. It also includes education, employment and healthy life style of the people. But, the condition with North-East remained just opposite since the colonial period because of ..


Comment on various development efforts of Government of India in North East.

Model Answer: The Government of India had set up the Department of Development of North Eastern Region in September, 2001 and upgraded it to a Ministry in May, 2004 underscoring the its complete commitment to ensure development with equity for ..


Give a critical appraisal of the North Eastern Council.

Model Answer: The North Eastern Council (NEC) came into being by an Act of Parliament, The North Eastern Council Act, 1971 to act as advisory body in respect of balanced socio-economic development of the North Eastern Areas consisting of the ..


Mizo Accord is said to be the only insurgency in the world that ended with a "stroke of pen". Critically discuss the factors that made this accord successful.

Model Answer: The antecedent causes of the Mizo conflict included dissatisfaction with the Lal (chieftainship) system, the British colonial policy residue of treating Mizo-inhabited areas as ‘excluded areas’, resulting in separatist tendencies. But, the idea of addressing the root cause ..


"Sixth schedule has ended up creating multiple power centers instead of bringing in a genuine process of democratization or autonomy in the North East". Opine.

Model Answer: As per the Sixth Schedule, the four states viz. Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.Though the executive authority of the state, provision has been made for the creation of the District Councils and regional councils for the exercise of ..
