GS-IV: Human Values

We are driven by our values and constrained by our norms, not only by external factors. However, not all values are on the same footing. There are primary, secondary, and even higher order values.a)Bring out two primary values of your own. b)To what extent do you think there can be value conflicts when you are serving others?

Values form the external frame of an individual’s personality and determine their behavior, character and attitude. Values can be either personal or cultural. I will highlight one of my personal values, and one of my cultural values. One of my ..


Unlike intelligence and physical attractiveness, which depend largely on genetics, empathy is a skill that can be learnt. Comment.

Empathy is an ability to put one self in other person’s place to understand his pain and sorrow. It involves deeper relation than being sympathetic. Intelligence and physical attractiveness are qualities one is born with generally, which can be enhanced ..


How the personal values and guiding principles play role while making tough decisions and undertaking major changes? Discuss with suitable examples.

Values are principles or standards of behaviour which guides one’s judgment of what is important in life. Values are often derived from the acculturation and enculturation. As a result there would be by and large conformity of the societal values ..


The value of empathy comes not from understanding the other person's feelings, but what you do as a result of this. (a)Describe empathy as a value. (b)Narrate an event when you actually felt empathy. How was it helpful for the other person?

Empathy is an ability to put one self at other person’s place to understand his pain, suffering and condition. It is different from sympathy which a instinctive reaction of kindness. A person who is empathetic not only shows kindness towards ..


What do you understand by self-awareness? How can developing self-awareness help drive meaningful personal change for a Civil servant? Discuss with examples.

Self-awareness refers to conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. It is the ability to examine and understand one’s own thoughts, emotions, behaviors and their impact on others. Developing strong self-awareness can catalyze meaningful personal growth for ..
