Discuss the so called "Core Labor Standards" under the 'Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work' of International Labour Organization.

The Core Labor Standards are a set of four fundamental,universal and individual human rights set out in eight Fundamental International Labor organization human rights conventions.The standards are among the most widely ratified ILO (international labor organization) conventions. With the 1998 ILO “Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” this universal obligation now covers the following basic rights:-

  • Freedom from forced labour
  • Freedom from child   labour
  • Freedom from discrimination at work
  • Freedom to form and join unions, and to bargain collectively.

They are the minimum “enabling right” people need, to defend and improve their rights and condition at work, to work in freedom and dignity and to develop in life. The declaration ensures that mere economic growth is not enough to ensure equity, social progress and to eradicate poverty.Further it makes clear that these rights shall apply to all people regardless of their economic development.Its principles are binding on all the members state whether or not they have ratified the convention. Proper implementation of these rights would ensure that fruits of globalization are are fairly distributed rather than getting accumulated in few rich hands. 


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