GS-II: Social Justice
Poverty and Globalization
India embraced liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation (LPG) in 1991. Embracing globalisation has been a mixed experience for India. Poverty & Globalization It is observed that Poverty rates around the world have decreases as more countries continue integrating into the global economy. ..
Global Hunger Index 2015
The 2015 GHI was calculated for 117 developing countries and countries in transition, 80 of which with alarming or serious hunger levels. The focus of GHI 2015 was on armed conflict and its relation to hunger. The Index was adopted ..
2016 Global Nutrition Report
The 2016 Global Nutrition Report (GNR) was released recently providing an independent and annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. The vision of the GNR is “From Promise to Impact- Ending malnutrition by 2030. Background The recently announced ..
Poverty and State Of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) by FAO 2015
FAO had released the SOFA in 2015. It highlights the status of agriculture and food in the counties. Through the SOFA, FAO brings out a positive co-relation between social protection measures and eradication of poverty and hunger and agriculture. Background ..
Poverty and Socio-Economic and Caste Census
The 1st ever post independence Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) was conducted in 2011. Government released the results of SECC-2011 in July 2015. SECC-2011 was first caste based census of Independent India. Earlier, caste based data was collected in 1931 ..
Poverty and Terrorism
Experts have noted recently that the failure to provide opportunities which leads to poverty coupled with misreading of religion has helped fuel terrorism worldwide. Extreme poverty is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time and a fundamental contributing factor to ..
Urban Poverty versus Rural Poverty in India
Earlier, poverty was only looked upon as a rural phenomenon. However, India faces problem of both rural poverty as well as urban poverty. This was one of the grounds on which Rangarajan Committee reported on urban poverty and rural poverty ..
Poverty and SDG-1: India’s Challenges and Way Forward
Amongst the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), the goal 1 relates to ending poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030 and transform the world. Background More than 700 million people still live in extreme poverty and are struggling to ..